402 E. North Ave. Bonifay, Florida
Phone Number: 850.547.5213 Office Hours Thursday: 1:00 -8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Center Director: Kristin Baker |
Need more information about the Center? Click on the link below:
New Beginnings Counseling and Support Center Website You can also find us on Facebook. Be sure to click on the icon
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Pregnant? Don't know where to turn? You can turn to us...free pregnancy test...information about all your options...ALL contacts held in strictest confidence.
We understand...
* it is a difficult time for you
* you have more questions than answers
* this will change your life
* and you do not have to face this alone
Call us today!
For further info concerning abortion go to www.abortionfacts.com
Interested in volunteering? Simply call the center and let them know.
If you would like to help support the center you may send contributions to:
New Beginnings Counseling & Support Center
402 E. North Ave., Bonifay, Florida 32425